- The froglets water park
- Tarquin Toad's Bogology club
- Lily's locker
- The road
- Gramps mud pool!
- Newton wouldn't have wriggled straight round to demand why I'd been skipping practice.
- He wouldn't have accused me of causing Lily to suddenly quit the team.
- I wouldn't have blurted out that it had nothing at all to do with me and everything to do with Chatternack.
- Gramps wouldn't have heard the whole sorry story about how our illustrious head teacher was blackmailing me to play for the school team instead of Amphibians United in the up coming match.
- Gramps wouldn't have hopped straight over to Chatternacks' private pad and confronted him.
- Chatternack wouldn't have threatened not only to expel me if I didn't play for school but also to expel me if the team lost!
- Gramps wouldn't have called him a hypercritical toady @*$?*£! and they wouldn't have openly brawled in the pond.
- The police would not have had to be called to separate them and Officer Fergal Frog would not have received a black eye courtesy of Gramps.
- Chaternack would not have gloated that as Amphibians United no longer had any frogs on the team that there would in actual fact be no match anyway as they could no longer claim to be a true inter species team.
- And Gramps would not have announced that he himself would be playing as sub for AU as Fergal led him back to the station.