Friday 28 January 2011

A Night in the Bog for a Young Single Frog

So the weekend is here. What delights can the bog offer a young frog like myself in terms of social interaction?

1. The Algae Bar. The Algae Bar Is a cafe that specialises in algae based drinks. You can get hot algae, cold algae, frozen algae, flavoured algae, frothy algae, algaelatte, algaechino, algaemocha and algae muffins, all with muddy sprinkles. If you're going to go there, be sure you like algae!

Algae Muffins a Speciality

2. The Hop. The Hop, you've probably guessed, is a bit like a biped disco or night club. It's where frogs go to listen to music and dance (mostly to hip hop but sometimes croak music). It's a favourite venue for couples as you can get a bit sloppy there (or so I'm told).

3. The Water Park. The Water Park is a place where there are a few water slides, reed swings and stuff. It's really for froglets, or at least it is in the day. In the evening some of the more disaffected frogs from school hang out there. It's not a good place to go unless invited (or even if invited) especially if you have a fondness for all four of your limbs.

4. Choir Practise.Don't be fooled by your biped preconceptions of choir singing. It's a whole different kettle of maggots in the bog. If you're in a choir then you are living on the edge! Frog choirs (gangs to a biped) settle territory and superiority disputes with a sing off. They face each other down and sing with as much volume, resonance and bass as they can. Concerts can go on for hours and injury is common. Some frogs have lost consciousness and slipped from their pads into the water. Sometimes ear parts have begun to bleed and Uncle Bosch's head apparently exploded without warning!

I never knew my  Uncle Bosch and Mum doesn't like to talk about him. It was Gramps that told me that story so it may not be reliable. It would explain why I've never met him though.

5. Joy Hopping. Joy Hopping has been made illegal. Some adrenalin junkies used to leave the bog and go to the road where they would hop down the middle as fast as they could towards on coming traffic. Needless to say the life expectancy of a joy hopper engaging in joy hopping was about 1 minute 32 seconds. There are rumours that some of the Eastside Choir have started to sneak to the road at night to joy hop. It's all that's talked about a school, Pixie and the girls are well impressed. Newton says it's all a load of pond scum, he happened to see them hiding behind the Newt club last week when they said they were at the road practising their F Flat Major scale.

So which of these delightful past times lay ahead of me this weekend?

None of the above! I'm froglet sitting again while Mum and Dad go to the hop! I hope no one from school recognises them my life has not been worth living since the Pixie palaver, the embarrassment of this may make my death not worth dying either!

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